Proven processes.
Methods that work.
We understand: Getting a project off the ground is overwhelming. Knowing where and how to direct your resources can be a daunting prospect. NRGXP takes an educational approach to guiding you and your idea to successful launch.
Ultimately, the core of our methodology is a synthesis of design thinking and business intelligence. We will break your project down into stages and each phase is an iterative exercise with close communication and collaboration between you and our team.
1/ Research
Starting with research and analysis, we develop a contextual understanding of your customers, your industry, and the problem you’re striving to solve. Then, leveraging these qualitative and quantitative research methods, we collaborate with you to develop a strategic roadmap and build a foundation for successful innovation.
2/ Planning
To construct an actionable plan, we perform a focused study of technologies, processes, and platforms that are best suited to meet your needs. This assessment also identifies potential obstacles like existing patents or technical challenges, as well as opportunities such as enhancing the user experience and cost reduction. This proven, integrated approach is derived from our years of experience with agile software development. It reinforces a shared understanding of your goals and is crucial in keeping the development process light and nimble.
3/ Ideation & Exploration
With this groundwork in place, concept work proceeds within an iterative progression. We start quickly, rapidly exploring ideas to tackle the most fundamental challenges and issues. As ideas mature and evolve from napkin sketch to proof of concept, key factors such as performance, manufacturability, and cost are always in consideration. Throughout the process, the team consistently validates the approach with testing and simulation to reduce risk and ensure maximum efficiency.
4/ Design & Implementation
The next step is the refinement of proof of concepts into production intent. This process is structured around alpha and beta prototyping to ensure ample opportunities for function and user acceptance testing, as well as optimization. Whether it’s a physical product being prepared for volume manufacturing or a cloud-based application being readied for launch, we will work with you to finalize and document the design.
5/ Commercialize
A great design is nothing without a plan for production or implementation. Our team can manage your production process directly, or we will work with you or your chosen vendors to document your design and help architect a successful launch.